Monday, March 3, 2008

If You Are What You Eat........

Tag by Lyn:

I would have hair made up of spinach salad topped with curly fries. My brain would be cashew nuts-don't even go there! My body would be a giant chocolate kiss with red hot eyes (sounds a little demonic), my face would be chicken with mozarella stick arms. My legs would be bananas with avacado feet. For body lotion I would only use butter! My fuel of choice would be anything with sugar in it.

Apparantly I am not a well balanced individual (surprise, surprise)-my food pyramid is all topsy-turvey. I have way too many food items

in the "other" catagory!


brittany said...

mmm, i like the avocado feet part!

lyn. said...

I loved all your answers, especially the cashew brain! I can also relate to the butter lotion. How do people eat margarine anyway... haha

P.S. Where did you get that great picture?

Loquacious Leslie said...

I haven't a clue; margerine is so disgusting. I just googled vegetable and fruit people.