Thursday, March 27, 2008

how long have your been together...
married 25 1/2 years.

how long did you date...
We dated 2 years. I was 19 and Wayne was 23 when we met at Brick Oven. Wayne was the boss and I was a Hostess.

who eats more...
Wayne-unless it is dessert (then it is definately me!)
who said I love you first...
he did . but i was a close second.

who is taller...
he is . by about 7 inches.

who sings better...
That would be me. I love to sing! Wayne always knows if I am happy because I am singing.

who is smarter...
i love to learn and every autumn I get the urge to go back to school . but he is much much smarter. Brilliant-in fact.

who does the laundry...
He does his own laundry because he is very particular. It used to make me angry. now I just say "you go, boy!" I do everyone else's laundry.

who does the dishes...
usually me
who sleeps on the right side of the bed...
from the the bed.. point of view . I do.

who pays the bills...
I write the checks, but Wayne really pays the bills.

who mows the lawn...
lawn care company.

who cooks the dinner...
I do, but Wayne does know how . he grills..

who is more stubborn...
I usually give in because I can't stand contention. If I really feel it is important I will fight tooth and nail.

who kissed who first...
I kissed him on the cheek first, but he took over from there.

who asked who out...
Wayne asked me see his etchings (jk)

who proposed?
he did . on my porch in October. he so romantically asked me, "Well, should we do it?" I knew exactly what he meant

who is more sensitive...
that would be me. me.

who has more friends...
we don.t count friends . we treasure them. Oh I like that Lyn so I am stealing it from you.

who has more siblings...
Wayne-he has 4. and I have 3.

who are you tagging...


Whitney Tanner said...

Too bad you have to have a man for this one! I'll just have to consider myself lucky!

Ps. The correct answer to the stubborn question is DAD.

brittany said...

lol, i love how he proposed, very uncle wayne, and very cute. :)

lyn. said...

Wouldn't it be nice if we could train all our children to be as particular about laundry as Wayne is... haha