Christmas is Jared's favorite time of year. At 11 years old, most kids are well past the Christmas magic phase, but Jared still "believes." Every day he enthusiastically asks me if "Christmas tomorrow?" This morning when I woke up he had taken out every present under the tree and had put them in piles on the couch. He wears a Santa hat to school every day. Plugging in the Christmas lights outside and on the tree seems to have evolved into his responsibility. If someone is arguing or unhappy, Jared is the first to say, "We a happy family." He reminds us continually that Christmas is about peace. He does constant little acts of service daily; making his sister's bed, setting the table without being asked, helping his sister clean the kitchen, and of course his ever constant hugs and kisses. He makes us remember that the best gift is giving of ourselves. Jared brings the light of Christ and peace of the season into our home. Some people only see that Jared is handicapped, but all we see is love. We are so grateful for his presence in our family!
Pictures by BAP photography www.brittanyandersonphotography.com