7 TV Shows I wouldn't want to live without;
I don't watch TV much, but here are some I like;

Law and Order
Cooking Shows
Today Show
7 Books that may have changed my life or enjoyed a lot;
Book of Mormon
Believing Christ
Atlas Shrugged
Enders Game
The Secret Life of Bees
Cold, Sassy Tree
Killer Angels
7 Albums or Artists I love;
Barbara Striesand
Brian McKnight
Rascal Flatts
Most romantic slow jams
7 Movies I go crazy for;
The 10 Commandments
Dan in Real Life
Sound of Music
7 Brides for 7 Brothers
Funny Girl
My Fair Lady
Pride and Prejudice
7 things you may not know about me;
1. I am actually more comfortable and outgoing in a large group than one-on-one.
2. People love to startle me because I am so jumpy.
3. I still do dance routines and sing loudly with the radio when moved upon and no one is
around to witness it.
4. I took a Russian class because I thought I wanted to be some kind of spy. It was quickly
apparent that it would have been a disasterous and deadly career choice for me.
5. My hands and feet sweat when I watch someone climb high mountains and I feel really
anxious, but I don't think I am afraid of high places-maybe just of falling?
6. Saying the word, S-E-X, is really hard for me, which is really funny because I often have to
discuss the subject at work as I do a lot of premarital exams. My kids love to tease me about
this because it always makes me squirm.
7. If someone can make me laugh frequently, they are already halfway to my heart.
I am tagging you Lyn!